joi, 24 decembrie 2009

X-mas Time!!!!

Daa!!! Este AJUNUL CRACIUNULUI!!! Afara se aud colindatorii ce canta de zor, oamenii agitati pe la magazine, si soarele ce ne zambeste dintre nori iar zapada topindu-se de parca ar veni primavara. Eh, asta e ... nu le putem avea pe toate..vorba aia`Nimic si nimeni nu-i perfect!`. Tot e bine, ca nu ne-am pierdut din traditii, chiar daca acum, copii, colidatorii, dupa ce iti canta un colind, mai bine zis 2 versuri si gata, vor bani...Daca le dai mar sau covrig stramba din nas. Mai nou se roaga si de tine. Astazi de dimineata, un grup de copii (defapt de oameni in toata firea) imi cantau la fereastra. Cum eram singura acasa, i-am poftit sa iasa pe poarta. "Daaar va roog, da-ti-ne macar un leu. Va ruugam!!!" . Da bine bine. Afara!!!

Prin urmare, sa ne bucuram de CRACIUN, si de DARURILE MOSULUI!!! Ca doar na, "SANTA CLAUS is commin' to town"!!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS tuturooor!!!!

luni, 21 decembrie 2009

Winter Wonderland

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening,
In the lane, snow is glistening
A beautiful sight,
We're happy tonight.
Walking in a winter wonderland.

Gone away is the blue bird,
Here to stay is a new bird
He sings a love song,
As we go along,
Walking in a winter wonderland.

In the meadow we can build a snowman,
And pretend that he is Parson Brown

He'll say: Are you married?
We'll say: No man,
But you can do the job
While you're in town.

Later on, we'll conspire,
As we dream by the fire
To face unafraid,
The plans that we've made,
Walking in a winter wonderland.

In the meadow we can build a snowman,
Then pretend that he is Parson Brown

He'll say: Are you married?
We'll say: No man,
But you can do the job
When you're in town.

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening,
In the lane, snow is glistening
A beautiful sight,
We're happy tonight.
Walking in a winter wonderland.

Walking in a winter wonderland!!!

Heeyy yaaa!!!

In cele din urma, m-am hotarat sa-mi fac si eu un blog. Nu e complicat, cum spuneam drept nici macar nu am incercat pana acum. Paiii..fiind prima mea postare, nici nu stiu cu ce sa incep. Asa ca, zic eu, sa incep sa ma familiarizez cu blogul!